Here are a few stories from parents...

“I've noticed a very big change in our daughter over the past few weeks. Every week she's doing something new. She's hopping, trying to jump and crawl. She's so much more active and so eager to move around. She constantly wants to play. 

She is a lot more vocal and moving her mouth in different ways almost as if she's trying to pronounce words. I do believe that GlowKids has contributed a lot to this. 

I would like to thank each and everyone of you for the role that you have played. Its exciting and very emotional to see my little girl make such amazing progress. I am truly grateful to all of you. 

I know that this is just the beginning and we are excited to see what happens next!”


“Finding GlowKids has been life changing – not only for our daughter, diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and ADHD – but for the whole family. I have spent years searching for a place where my daughter belongs. A place where her tears at the school gate would be replaced with laughter. Where my own tears in the parking lot would be replaced with a smile.

GlowKids is that place.

I have been blown away by the kindness and patience shown by the teaching staff. Under their care, she is thriving. I couldn’t be happier to hear that she is talking more, making friends and participating in group activities.  I’m also incredibly grateful for the support provided by the management team to help navigate the nuances of the health system. Your expertise and partnership have been invaluable.” 

- Parent